Saturday, April 2, 2016

today when I arrived at school I realized I really stank. Like, more then's not like I float to school on a cloud, I speed walk for 20 minutes with a cup of chugged coffee racing through my veins and the panic of possibly being late looming ahead of me. But even after the sweat had dried on my back I was still getting these huge whiffs of...a very stinky, BO, odor.
This continues for the rest of the day, and I end up at the last hour in French class, where I'd just spent a good 15 minutes beside the teacher going over some work. Now there's only 15 minutes till we can leave, but she wants to make an announcement:
"This is just a annoucement to make the days more pleasant for everyone", she says. "This is just a message for everyone."
Ok...? I'm assuming there's going to be a lecture about cell phone use, or people leaving five minutes before the bell.
"Please remember to wash your hands, to shower, put on deoderant, and wash your clothes very well."

I look around. There's maybe five people in the class, so she must be talking to one of us. There's one guy who I suddenly hope she's signaling to. He's quiet, looks werid, and acts strangely. He definetly looks like the sort of guy that might have some weird personal hygiene issues.
Then I remember waiting outside the classroom at 1:30 and the conversation I'd overheard between Weird Guy and his friend. They were earnestly comparing their favorite toothpaste brands, the frequency with which they flossed, and the reccomendations their dentists had given them.
I think I floss once a month.
So not only is the teacher definetly referring to me, (stinky enough that I was still getting whiffs of my not so pleasent scent) (a later sniff-test in the bathroom revealed that also my coat stank) but Weird Guy was more on top of oral hygiene then I ever was.
I came home, took a bath, and started washing everything I owned.